GET TimeTrackingProject/GetUserProjects/{id}

Retrieves an array of Time Tracking Projects for a User

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameTypeAdditional informationDescription
id integer


The user ID

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

An array of Time Tracking Projects

Collection of Time Tracking Project
NameTypeAdditional informationDescription
ID integer


Name string


String length: inclusive between 0 and 100

The name of the project.

CustomerID integer


Customer ID allocated to the Project.

Customer Customer


Customer allocated to the Project.

BillingMethodID Time Tracking Billing Method Type


The billing method to be used for the project: 1. Single Project Rate. 2. Project Rate Per Hour. 3. Staff Rate Per Hour. 4. Task Rate Per Hour.

InvoicingMethodID Time Tracking Invoicing Method Type


The invoice method to be used for the project: 1. Task Detailed. 2. Group By Task. 3. Consolidated.

EstimatedHours decimal


Estimate Hours set for a Project

EstimatedValue decimal


Estimate Value of a Project

Description string


FixedRate decimal


Project Fixed Rate when billing method is set to Single Project Rate.

RatePerHour decimal


Project Rate Per Hour when billing method is set to Project Rate Per Hour.

PONumber string


StartDate date


EndDate nullable date


LastInvoiceDate nullable date


LastInvoiceDocumentHeaderId integer


AmountInvoiced decimal


ToBeInvoiced decimal


TotalHours decimal


UnbilledHours decimal


NonBillableHours decimal


BillableHours decimal


BillableAmount decimal


BudgetedHours decimal


ProjectTasks Collection of Time Tracking Project Task


Represents a lookup record between a Project and a Task. This is being used by Time Sheets to set Billing Rates and Budget Hours

ProjectStaff Collection of Time Tracking Project Staff


Tasks Collection of Time Tracking Task

Read Only / System Generated

Tasks which is curently linked to a project.

Billable bool


Active bool


InvoicedHours decimal


WrittenOffTime decimal


BudgetBasedOn integer


Budget based on: 1. Project 2. Task

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

    "ID": 1,
    "Name": "sample string 2",
    "CustomerID": 3,
    "Customer": {
      "Name": "sample string 1",
      "Category": {
        "Description": "sample string 1",
        "ID": 2,
        "Modified": "2024-05-01",
        "Created": "2024-05-01"
      "SalesRepresentativeId": 1,
      "SalesRepresentative": {
        "ID": 1,
        "FirstName": "sample string 2",
        "LastName": "sample string 3",
        "Name": "sample string 2 sample string 3",
        "Active": true,
        "Email": "sample string 6",
        "Mobile": "sample string 7",
        "Telephone": "sample string 8",
        "Created": "2024-05-01",
        "Modified": "2024-05-01"
      "TaxReference": "sample string 2",
      "ContactName": "sample string 3",
      "Telephone": "sample string 4",
      "Fax": "sample string 5",
      "Mobile": "sample string 6",
      "Email": "sample string 7",
      "WebAddress": "sample string 8",
      "Active": true,
      "IsObfuscated": true,
      "Balance": 11.0,
      "CreditLimit": 12.0,
      "CommunicationMethod": 1,
      "PostalAddress01": "sample string 13",
      "PostalAddress02": "sample string 14",
      "PostalAddress03": "sample string 15",
      "PostalAddress04": "sample string 16",
      "PostalAddress05": "sample string 17",
      "DeliveryAddress01": "sample string 18",
      "DeliveryAddress02": "sample string 19",
      "DeliveryAddress03": "sample string 20",
      "DeliveryAddress04": "sample string 21",
      "DeliveryAddress05": "sample string 22",
      "AutoAllocateToOldestInvoice": true,
      "EnableCustomerZone": true,
      "CustomerZoneGuid": "86ee6c12-4569-4e4a-99e2-a7729205c929",
      "CashSale": true,
      "TextField1": "sample string 25",
      "TextField2": "sample string 26",
      "TextField3": "sample string 27",
      "NumericField1": 1.0,
      "NumericField2": 1.0,
      "NumericField3": 1.0,
      "YesNoField1": true,
      "YesNoField2": true,
      "YesNoField3": true,
      "DateField1": "2024-05-01",
      "DateField2": "2024-05-01",
      "DateField3": "2024-05-01",
      "DefaultPriceListId": 1,
      "DefaultPriceList": {
        "ID": 1,
        "Description": "sample string 2",
        "IsDefault": true
      "DefaultPriceListName": "sample string 2",
      "AcceptsElectronicInvoices": true,
      "Modified": "2024-05-01",
      "Created": "2024-05-01",
      "BusinessRegistrationNumber": "sample string 34",
      "TaxStatusVerified": "2024-05-01",
      "CurrencyId": 1,
      "CurrencySymbol": "sample string 35",
      "HasActivity": true,
      "DefaultDiscountPercentage": 1.0,
      "DefaultTaxTypeId": 1,
      "DefaultTaxType": {
        "ID": 1,
        "Name": "sample string 2",
        "Percentage": 3.1,
        "IsDefault": true,
        "HasActivity": true,
        "IsManualTax": true,
        "Active": true,
        "Created": "2024-05-01",
        "Modified": "2024-05-01",
        "TaxTypeDefaultUID": "b8bc9de2-6605-4f42-a88e-4384a8632bf5",
        "CompanyId": 9
      "DueDateMethodId": 1,
      "DueDateMethodValue": 1,
      "CityId": 1,
      "AccountingAgreement": true,
      "HasSpecialCountryTaxActivity": true,
      "OutstandingInvoices": true,
      "OverdueInvoices": true,
      "OnHold": true,
      "ExcludeFromDebtorsManager": true,
      "SubjectToDRCVat": true,
      "ID": 40
    "BillingMethodID": 1,
    "InvoicingMethodID": 1,
    "TrackHours": true,
    "TrackValue": true,
    "EstimatedHours": 6.0,
    "EstimatedValue": 7.0,
    "Description": "sample string 8",
    "FixedRate": 9.0,
    "RatePerHour": 10.0,
    "PONumber": "sample string 11",
    "StartDate": "2024-05-01",
    "EndDate": "2024-05-01",
    "LastInvoiceDate": "2024-05-01",
    "LastInvoiceDocumentHeaderId": 1,
    "AmountInvoiced": 12.0,
    "ToBeInvoiced": 13.0,
    "TotalHours": 14.0,
    "UnbilledHours": 15.0,
    "NonBillableHours": 16.0,
    "BillableHours": 17.0,
    "BillableAmount": 18.0,
    "BudgetedHours": 19.0,
    "ProjectTasks": [
        "ID": 1,
        "ProjectID": 2,
        "TaskID": 3,
        "BillToClient": true,
        "BillingRate": 5.0,
        "BudgetedHours": 6.0,
        "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
        "ID": 1,
        "ProjectID": 2,
        "TaskID": 3,
        "BillToClient": true,
        "BillingRate": 5.0,
        "BudgetedHours": 6.0,
        "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
    "ProjectStaff": [
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        "TimeTrackingUserId": 2,
        "BillingRate": 3.0,
        "CostPerHour": 4.0,
        "UserType": 5
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        "TimeTrackingUserId": 2,
        "BillingRate": 3.0,
        "CostPerHour": 4.0,
        "UserType": 5
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        "Description": "sample string 3",
        "BillingRate": 4.0,
        "BillToClient": true,
        "DefaultTask": true,
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        "ProjectTasks": [
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            "TaskID": 3,
            "BillToClient": true,
            "BillingRate": 5.0,
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            "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
            "ID": 1,
            "ProjectID": 2,
            "TaskID": 3,
            "BillToClient": true,
            "BillingRate": 5.0,
            "BudgetedHours": 6.0,
            "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
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        "Name": "sample string 2",
        "Description": "sample string 3",
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        "BillToClient": true,
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        "ProjectTasks": [
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            "ProjectID": 2,
            "TaskID": 3,
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            "BillingRate": 5.0,
            "BudgetedHours": 6.0,
            "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
            "ID": 1,
            "ProjectID": 2,
            "TaskID": 3,
            "BillToClient": true,
            "BillingRate": 5.0,
            "BudgetedHours": 6.0,
            "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
    "Billable": true,
    "Active": true,
    "InvoicedHours": 22.0,
    "WrittenOffTime": 23.0,
    "BudgetBasedOn": 24
    "ID": 1,
    "Name": "sample string 2",
    "CustomerID": 3,
    "Customer": {
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      "Category": {
        "Description": "sample string 1",
        "ID": 2,
        "Modified": "2024-05-01",
        "Created": "2024-05-01"
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        "Mobile": "sample string 7",
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        "Modified": "2024-05-01"
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      "Email": "sample string 7",
      "WebAddress": "sample string 8",
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      "IsObfuscated": true,
      "Balance": 11.0,
      "CreditLimit": 12.0,
      "CommunicationMethod": 1,
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      "PostalAddress03": "sample string 15",
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      "AutoAllocateToOldestInvoice": true,
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      "NumericField1": 1.0,
      "NumericField2": 1.0,
      "NumericField3": 1.0,
      "YesNoField1": true,
      "YesNoField2": true,
      "YesNoField3": true,
      "DateField1": "2024-05-01",
      "DateField2": "2024-05-01",
      "DateField3": "2024-05-01",
      "DefaultPriceListId": 1,
      "DefaultPriceList": {
        "ID": 1,
        "Description": "sample string 2",
        "IsDefault": true
      "DefaultPriceListName": "sample string 2",
      "AcceptsElectronicInvoices": true,
      "Modified": "2024-05-01",
      "Created": "2024-05-01",
      "BusinessRegistrationNumber": "sample string 34",
      "TaxStatusVerified": "2024-05-01",
      "CurrencyId": 1,
      "CurrencySymbol": "sample string 35",
      "HasActivity": true,
      "DefaultDiscountPercentage": 1.0,
      "DefaultTaxTypeId": 1,
      "DefaultTaxType": {
        "ID": 1,
        "Name": "sample string 2",
        "Percentage": 3.1,
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      "CityId": 1,
      "AccountingAgreement": true,
      "HasSpecialCountryTaxActivity": true,
      "OutstandingInvoices": true,
      "OverdueInvoices": true,
      "OnHold": true,
      "ExcludeFromDebtorsManager": true,
      "SubjectToDRCVat": true,
      "ID": 40
    "BillingMethodID": 1,
    "InvoicingMethodID": 1,
    "TrackHours": true,
    "TrackValue": true,
    "EstimatedHours": 6.0,
    "EstimatedValue": 7.0,
    "Description": "sample string 8",
    "FixedRate": 9.0,
    "RatePerHour": 10.0,
    "PONumber": "sample string 11",
    "StartDate": "2024-05-01",
    "EndDate": "2024-05-01",
    "LastInvoiceDate": "2024-05-01",
    "LastInvoiceDocumentHeaderId": 1,
    "AmountInvoiced": 12.0,
    "ToBeInvoiced": 13.0,
    "TotalHours": 14.0,
    "UnbilledHours": 15.0,
    "NonBillableHours": 16.0,
    "BillableHours": 17.0,
    "BillableAmount": 18.0,
    "BudgetedHours": 19.0,
    "ProjectTasks": [
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        "ProjectID": 2,
        "TaskID": 3,
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        "BillingRate": 5.0,
        "BudgetedHours": 6.0,
        "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
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        "BillToClient": true,
        "BillingRate": 5.0,
        "BudgetedHours": 6.0,
        "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
    "ProjectStaff": [
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        "TimeTrackingUserId": 2,
        "BillingRate": 3.0,
        "CostPerHour": 4.0,
        "UserType": 5
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        "TimeTrackingUserId": 2,
        "BillingRate": 3.0,
        "CostPerHour": 4.0,
        "UserType": 5
    "Tasks": [
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        "Name": "sample string 2",
        "Description": "sample string 3",
        "BillingRate": 4.0,
        "BillToClient": true,
        "DefaultTask": true,
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            "ProjectID": 2,
            "TaskID": 3,
            "BillToClient": true,
            "BillingRate": 5.0,
            "BudgetedHours": 6.0,
            "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
            "ID": 1,
            "ProjectID": 2,
            "TaskID": 3,
            "BillToClient": true,
            "BillingRate": 5.0,
            "BudgetedHours": 6.0,
            "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
        "ID": 1,
        "Name": "sample string 2",
        "Description": "sample string 3",
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            "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
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            "BillToClient": true,
            "BillingRate": 5.0,
            "BudgetedHours": 6.0,
            "TotalHoursLogged": 7.0
    "Billable": true,
    "Active": true,
    "InvoicedHours": 22.0,
    "WrittenOffTime": 23.0,
    "BudgetBasedOn": 24